Israel and Oppression in Egypt
The Birth and Early Life of Moses
Yahweh’s Plan to Rescue the Israelites
Yahweh Provides Signs and Help for Speaking
Pharaoh Rejects Yahweh’s Authority and Makes Israel’s Troubles Worse
Yahweh Discusses His Name and Israel’s Future
Yahweh Reviews Plans for Bringing the Israelites out of Egypt
Plague Two: Frogs
Plague Five: Livestock Death
Plague Eight: Locusts
Announcement of the Tenth Plague: Death of the Firstborn
Instructions for the Feast of Passover
Unleavened Bread and Dedication of Firstborn to Commemorate the Rescue from Egypt
Yahweh Rescues Israel at the Red Sea
Song of Victory at the Sea
Yahweh Provides Food in the Desert
Water from a Rock
Jethro’s Visit to Moses at the Mountain of God
Preparation for Receiving the Covenant at Mount Sinai
Ten Commandments
Regulations Regarding Hebrew Slaves
Regulations Regarding Theft, Borrowing, and Accidental Damage or Loss
Regulations Regarding Justice
Confirming the Covenant
Instruction to Collect Materials
Instructions for Making the Tabernacle
Instructions for Making the Bronze Altar
Instructions for Making Garments for Priests
Instructions for Consecrating Aaron and His Sons
Instructions for Making the Incense Altar
Provision of Skilled People
The Golden Calf
Command to Resume Travel
Yahweh’s Description of Himself
Preparation of Materials and People for Building
The Tabernacle Underwritten
Making the Ark of the Covenant
Making the Bronze Altar and the Basin
Making Garments for Priests
Completion of the Tabernacle